Saturday, 18 September 2010

Ants are my favourite animal, I think they are so cool and when they get together they are super clever but when there on there own they just walk around aimlessly kind of like 1 brain cell when its on its own its useless but when they come together they can do unbelievably clever things.

Ants evolved from wasp like creatures 130 million years ago even before the rise of flowering plants. There are around 22 000 species found and you can easily identify an ant by their elbowed antennae and distinctive structure that forms a slender waist. The main species that everyone knows are the black ant, the red ant, argentine ants, pharaoh ants, wood ants, Carpenter ants and killer ants. The winged ant are just normal ants which grow wings for what is proven as the nuptial flight, this is where the This is where the young queens are fertilized, as soon as this has happened the queen breaks off her wings by biting them and becomes your normal ant again being ready to start her own nest where she can continue to lay eggs for up to 15 years, the males usually die soon after mating. There are carnivorous, herbivorous and omnivorous species

Ants form colonies that range in size from a few dozen predatorily individuals living in small natural cavities to highly organised colonies which may occupy large territories and have millions of little ants. These larger colonies consist of mainly wingless females forming castes of working ants or soldier ants, just like in the film ‘ants’. Nearly all ants’ colonies also have some fertile males called drones and also one or more fertile female called queens. The colonies are sometimes described as super organisms because they all collectively work together to support their colony.

The only place on Earth where ants don’t live is Antarctica and a few remote inhospitable islands but apart from that they have colonised almost every landmass on Earth.

In a lot of species their favourite food is honeydew, which they milk from Aphids, which has high sugar content. When an ant finds a food source it will lay a scent trail back to the nest, where it will communicate with other workers by tapping antennae and also giving some of the food from it's crop, these workers in turn will then be able to locate the food. And that’s why I always find them in my fizzy drinks.

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